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Furoshiki is such a versatile cloth that can be tied into bags for different occasions!
Select one of the bag wraps below for step-by-step instructions!

furoshiki leaf bag and a baguette

Leaf Bag

Have fun creating this easy shopping bag from one of our larger furoshiki!

furoshiki lesson bag being held

Lesson Bag

The lesson bag is a quick and easy wrap for carrying text books, magazines, or a spare jumper!

furoshiki patchin bag

Patchin Bag

Our beautifully crafted wooden patchin snap magnetically together! Our patchin bags are incredibly easy to make, and look gorgeous!

furoshiki ring bag in poppy field

Ring Bag

Here is an easy-to-follow guide to help you create our gorgeous furoshiki bag kit with ring handles in moments!

furoshiki watermelon bag

Watermelon Bag

The watermelon bag is great for carrying a pile of books or clothes!

furoshiki Kyoto bag

Kyoto Bag

This cute furoshiki hand bag is quick and easy to make!

Yukki holding a furoshiki odekake bag

Odekake Bag

With one more knot you can turn a leaf bag into this cute, sealed odekake bag!

Cathy holding a furoshiki kinchaku bag

Kinchaku Bag

A kinchaku bag is a cute hand bag that can open and close!

furoshiki tote bag

Tote Bag

You'll have a gorgeous, unique, Kyoto furoshiki tote bag in moments to enjoy!

furoshiki shoulder bag

Shoulder Bag

Our favourite furoshiki shoulder bag is such a pretty bag, and it has adjustable shoulder straps!

furoshiki book bag on a wall

Book Bag

This has to be the cutest book bag ever! It swings in your fingers as you walk!

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