Hi everyone!
We've got a lovely bottle wrap for you that is a great way to gift-wrap with tenugui!
You can use any of our tenugui to create this stylish wrap - they all look amazing!
Not only does the tenugui wrap look stunning as a gift, it also protects the bottle too, especially if you're carrying more than one!
And of course, with a gentle iron afterwards, your tenugui gift wrap will become a gorgeous art piece on the wall :)
I made this tenugui bottle wrap in moments, on our picnic table in the garden on a summer's day.
Let me show you how to make it:
1. Lay out your tenugui flat, reverse side up.

2. Then, fold over the edge on the right-hand side, like this:

3. Now, move to the left-hand side of the tenugui, and lay your bottle down horizontally, so that there is the same amount of fabric top and bottom. Now bring the left edge up over it, as if you are putting the bottle to bed! The tenugui edge should reach the neck of the bottle, with the fold covering its base.
4. Now, fold in the top left corner of the tenugui so that it is neatly against the edge of the bottle, like this:

5.And then fold the top edge of the fabric over the bottle, so that the fabric neatly covers the top side of the bottle.

6. Repeat on the bottom half of the tenugui: tuck in the corner so that it touches the bottom edge of the bottle, like this:

7. And now fold the rest of the bottom edge of the fabric up and onto the bottle, so that the fabric 'hugs' the bottle. It should look like this:

8. All you need to do now is begin to twist the fabric that lies above the top of the bottle. Make sure that you twist the fabric away from you, so that final fold doesn't become undone. This way the fabric wraps in on itself and is more secure.

9. Gently twist the excess fabric once again.

10. And twist it one more time. You now have a gently twisted 'rope' that you will use to wrap around the top of the bottle.

11.Firmly twist your 'rope' securely around the neck of the bottle, and finish it off by pushing the end under the loop that you have made to finish the wrap off with a single knot. Gently pull the fabric end to tighten the knot a little. Your tenugui bottle wrap will look like this one below! It's fantastic, isn't it!

We hope you enjoy gifting your bottles with tenugui wraps.
We always love to see your photos, so do send them in!
You can find our current range of tenugui in our Zusetsu online store here -
but keep an eye on them, as we love to bring in new designs :)
Our next blog will be a feature on this year's Gion Matsuri in Kyoto - so stay tuned!
See you next time,
Cathy xx
